Create a consistency on form controls used
Some of the date picker example inconsistency.
On Find Bookings, when changing the From Date to a different date, the To date does to not update to be the same as the From Date.
However on the Find a Visitor under visitor management, when you change the From Date to a particular value, the To date updates to be the same.
Get the control consistency the same across the application. The same goes with the date picker style (some date pickers have the day of the week starting on a Sunday, while others have it starting on a Monday). It also has arrows for back and Forth or the days of the week listed.
The system date style should be able to be set per country, so the global time for example could be AM/PM in the US and in the UK 24 Hour.
Benedikt Waigand commented
The filter inside the reports is inconsistent regarding all other calendars of the Condeco system.
The calendar inside the report function "change filters" has Sunday as first day of the week.
Would be nice to have this calendar the same as all the other calendars inside Condeco: Monday as first day of the week.