Allow Floor Plan view in Smart Calendar
the Com+ plugin allows for viewing the floor plan for rooms. Smart Calendar does not. Allowing floor plans would be great for rooms in smart calendar
Regina Robinson commented
Agreed - functionality should be the same across Portal, Add-in, Smart Calendar for both Desks and meeting spaces
megan olson commented
Agreed - functionality should be the same across Portal, Add-in, Smart Calendar for both Desks and meeting spaces
Willison, Lynee (CEI-Atlanta) commented
Agreed - functionality should be the same across Portal, Add-in, Smart Calendar for both Desks and meeting spaces
Frank Calderon commented
Agreed. We would like Outlook users to open the Condeco Add-in and have the ability to choose a room and view a floor plan.
[Deleted User] commented
Agreed - functionality should be the same across Portal, Add-in, Smart Calendar for both Desks and meeting spaces
De Scacchetti commented
Need to see Floor plan and pix as in web app
Evan Alexander commented
the com+ add in allows you to click the room and view the floor plan for the meeting room, but smart calendar does not.
Can we allow Smart Calendar to show the room floor plan image?