Improve data held in Azure Table Storage
Please add the following data to ATS so that we can build reports off it in PowerBI. Currently only booking data is available, so you can report on how many times a room is booked for example, but if there are no bookings for a room during your reporting period then it doesn't appear in the data at all. Likewise for the location data, it's impossible to build selection lists into a dashboard without this data.
Lists of the following objects configured in Condeco
a. Countries
b. Regions
c. Locations
d. Floors per location
e. GroupsList of desk resources including at least
a. The 5 ‘location’ fields as above
b. Resource Id
c. Name
d. Type
e. Desk attributes (head set, Phone Etc.)
f. Wayfinder URIList of room resources including at least
a. The 5 ‘location’ fields above
b. Resource Id
c. Name
d. Room attributes (VC, Phone Etc.)
e. Wayfinder URI
f. Style & Occupancy options