Report that would give me a real time list of who has checked in to their desk
In our company, everyone has assigned desks by default. This sets everyone as "In the office" by default. If they don't update their status to "working remotely" it shows them being in the office when they are not. Would be great to get a report that would give me a list of people that had checked in to their desk on any given day (past + present) and not only past.

This is a huge request. We currently need to give reports of who is in the office, and i simply don't trust the accuracy of these reports. I don't know what the released, bumped, and booked fields really mean, and with bookable and flexi desks combined, i just want to know who signed in for the day, and also be able to do it via a date range.
Katherine Wong commented
A single report that confirms WHO has BOOKED a desk and if they have completed a SELF-CERTIFIFCATION and CHECKED-IN to desk. This will help clients anticipate how many staff are due to be in the office in advance. And if we run the same report again after the check-in deadline, we can see how many actually turned up and secured a desk to work. Thanks. Reporting really should be the next aspect Condeco improves on to keep improving its space management solution.