Ability to set a time frame in the day for a catering item. E.g. Continental Breakfast available from 8am-11am
Currently you can only set dates for when an item is available, it would be great if you can set a time for certain items as we would rather not have breakfast offered for the whole day.
Our catering hours are only from 09:00-17:00 however rooms can be booked outside of this time. There is currently no way of locking this down and therefore currently users can order catering outside of this time which can lead to issues.
Additionally, particular items such as breakfast should only be available for certain hours.

Peter Ash commented
Our catering hours are only from 09:00-17:00 however rooms can be booked outside of this time. There is currently no way of locking this down and therefore currently users can order catering outside of this time which can lead to issues.
Additionally, particular items such as breakfast should only be available for certain hours.