Create mobile configuration settings so that the app can be preconfigured with the Condeco URL
We want to deliver the Condeco Desk Booking app to our staff via Intune, and would like to preconfigure the application with the Condeco URL. This can be done if the developers can add an application Configuration Setting for the URL. This would save our staff from having to type in the URL when they use the application, and prevent errors from occurring.

[Deleted User] commented
Pre-configuration for App and Add-In would be more user friendly
Default URL
Default locations -
Frank Calderon commented
Our mobile admin found a work around to push a modified configuration to the app using details from this site. FYI.
Philipp Ganglbauer commented
The same is needed for the new Condeco mobile app
Rutger Steenbrink commented
Great idea, and making it one step easier again for end users! And actually helps the Change & Engage effort (requires less steps to be communicated)!
Etienne Herbert-Rousseau commented
Allowing the users to only enter the company subdomain and having the application autofilling "" after it could also make it less cumbersome. But I guess that would only apply to the clients using the cloud version.
Shane Dowler commented
Fidelity is requiring this functionality to use our mobile apps.