Booking or being assigned a locker should not set you as in office at that location
Lockers are not workspaces: We have two types of personal spaces. Desks and Lockers. Lockers are not configured (check marked under Workspace Types) as a Workspace. However, if a person is assigned a locker AND is working remotely, they are shown as being in the location of their locker on their today page. Additionally, when using the Your Team feature to find team members, it shows people with assigned lockers as being at their location even when they are working remotely. Condeco's proposed solution for this is to have everyone change their setting every day. This is a huge inconvenience with chance of presenting incorrect data. We recommend the system logic take into account whether the personal space is check marked as a Workspace and if it isn't, to ignore that location assignment.

Daniel commented
This is a basic misunderstanding of how customers use assigned lockers. I have an assigned locked on site every day of the week, but I am only in office 2 days a week.
This assigned locker is confusing my peers looking to book meeting times with me as my location is always set as "in office" Which is not accurate.