Variable 'Booking - Last Updated By' in Email Template
- What area is the Request for (I.e. Visitor Management, Booking Form, Outlook Add-in)? Room Booking and Email Templates
- What are you trying to achieve? What is your end objective? Email templates should have variable called 'Booking - LastUpdatedBy' which could be inserted in the template
- What is the use case of this feature ? 1. Log in to Condeco 2. Go to Application Setup -> Groups -> Select your group -> Meeting Rooms -> Email templates 3. From list of variables select 'Booking - LastUpdatedBy' and insert it in the template body 4. Save the template and those emails in the future will contain information about who updated the booking last.
- Describe current behaviour Currently, such variable does not exist in email templates
- Describe proposed behaviour, if possible with screenshots. As it is described in the point 3.
- Are you currently using a work around? If so, please describe it. No
- Please rate the value you consider this new feature will give to the product as used by your company from 1 being the lowest to 10 being the highest. 6