Convert Kiosk URL to Lowercase before GET call
The kiosk URL is case sensitive, which doesn't make any sense to me since this is hosted by Azure which is Windows-based, and windows based machines are not case sensitive like LINUX.
For example: - does not work - DOES work
What is happening is there is a Value = GET['kioskcode'], it should be Value = tolower(GET['kioskcode']).
The URL should be converted to lower first before using the input value passed over by GET parameters.
Kioskcode is not the folder name, it’s part of the code in the js file. That’s why it looks for the exact wording. But it would be nice to show some kind of error message or auto change it to lower case.
Curtis King commented
This issue results in hours of lost time because the kiosk code generation process creates inconsistencies. Please review and make suggested adjustment.