Room Booking
30 results found
Meeting space attributes translation in other languages
Although I have saved translations for attributes in german in the resource form editor, the attributes are only displayed in English. A translation would be helpful for the german users.
3 votes -
Ability to change date format
Have the date format changed to align with the language selection, so that if we select "English (US)" the date shows using the format used in the US, MM/DD/YYYY.
16 votes -
When user request a managed room in Condeco with the COM+ add-in, the status at the end of the location of the building is in english and mu
When using french version.
When user request a managed room in Condeco with the COM+ add-in, the status at the end of the location of the building is in english and must be in french.accepted
this must be in french:
1 vote -
Abteilung buchen
Warmenau Riegel B kann ich nicht buchen, mein Kollege Stefan aus der gleichen Abteilung schon. Riegel B ist für mich bei Standort gar nicht verfügbar....
1 vote -
month/day mixed up
The program is mixing up month/day in date when using "find a colleague" feature.
Today is Sep 2, I've found a person and hover mouse over his location. The tooltip is showing "February 9 Expired" so it's mixing up month and day.4 votes -
Raum Plan
Liebe Kollegen, bitte fügt dem Programm wieder den Gebäudeplan von STHH mit den Raumnummern hinzu. Gerade wenn man nur selten vor Ort ist es hilfreich. LG Monteagudo
1 vote -
It would be great if the Profile Page allowed a user to select the country date format of their choice. For example as a user I would like
It would be great if the Profile Page allowed a user to select the country date format of their choice. For example as a user I would like to see the US date format “mm-dd-yyyy”. Thank you.
2 votes -
Map of desks
Map or floorplan of the desks and their numbers would be helpful. Also handy if teams want to sit close to each other.
8 votes -
Description of meeting rooms
Please add floor plan to the meeting room characteristics. It was more or less a guessing game if Always Learn or Lead at all Levels is the 6 person meeting room in my part of the floor. I could only discern it due to the picture provided for the Lead at all Levels meeting room.
2 votes -
Polish language support
We would like the application to support Polish.
1 vote -
Allow Accentes
To be able to put accents on a name, to be more inclusive
2 votes -
"Purpose" of visit is "external visitor" or "internal visitor" >> logic?
Advanced visitor adding: Can the "purpose" of a visit really be "internal visitor" or "external visitor"? Maybe you could change the field label?
1 vote -
Add a visitor: Space between field label and colon
This is just a minor point. On the screen "Add a visitor" you are using field labels followed by a space, then a colon. This looks very strange. Regards, Esther
1 vote -
Inclusión en el lenguaje
Sugiero (y me parece muy importante) que no esté redactado para genero masculino. En particular en "Bienvenido", "Buscar un compañero". Muchas gracias
1 vote -
wo sehe ich wo welcher platz ist ? Gruss
1 vote -
Sprache wird nur teilweise übersetzt, wahrscheinlich muss ich noch 23,5 Stunden warten :)
1 vote -
Floorplan needed online when app crashes
My app is crashing - I booked a desk but somehow somwhere I need to have a floorplan to know which desk - so when app is not working I tred looking it up here online but I can't find a plan...
1 vote -
Es gibt einen Tippfehler bei der Auswahl der Docking Stations: Das deutsche Wort schreibt sich Standard, mit "d". Eine Standarte ist eine Fahne.
1 vote -
Traducción erronea de PIN en español
En el perfil de Usuario en la versión en Español, aparece el texto:
El alfiler: *****
cuando debe aparecer:
PIN: *****
que es un acrónimo usado frecuentemente en lengua española para "Personal Id Number".
Saludos.1 vote -
Desk Booking
For visiting offices reservations, can we change the wording from "Desk Booking" to "Visiting Office"?
For date and time, can we select specific time frame versus "AM" and/or "PM"?
We have an option of "Open Desks" and "Partner Offices" . Can we change the wording format to "Visiting Offices" for attorneys, managers, etc. and "Workstations" for secretaries and other staff
2 votes
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