Room Booking: Ability to search for hosts based on department
Currently when searching for a host when doing a room booking, if type the person's name, if their are multiple entries for different people with the same name, only email addresses can delineate the difference.
At times, people may not immediately recognise the email address, so adding in say the business category (if that was the division someone worked in within your business) as a bracketed value after their name might make the task easier when searching through a list of people with the same names.
You are more likely to know the person you are searching for given the department they are from rather than their email address (given you might use the global address lookup in Outlook) without ever realising their true email address.
Thank you for your suggestion.
We will be in contact once this is available
Pavel Makmak commented
Currently the user in Requestor/Host fields in booking form are searched by "exact match" or rather "starts with". Would be great to enhance this search to search a value by "includes" this way users can be found by typing only their surname or middle name. Use case: Some people use their Middle name as default, but in Condeco it has First name, Middle Name and Surname. So when creating a booking on behalf, so with enhanced search, any part of name/middle/surname would be enough instead of knowing exact match.