Email notification in HTML Format
Room Booking confirmation/notification to be sent as HTML or Rich Text format to make it look more professional.
We want to add company logo and formatted text to emphasize important information.
We want to include important web links such as office location.
We also want to include some infographics in the email if possible.
Carine Fosse commented
Have we had any updates on this post? Is it still under consideration? we would also need to have control over the formatting of the email notifications as they don't currently look good. Also, there is no consistency in terms of font and format between notifications (desk released, bumped, booked etc). Thanks
Marc Stricker commented
I'd like to have more control over message formatting in the various emails, messages and the Welcome Screen in Condeco.
Allowing for rich text or HTML style formatting would allow us to present a more professional look and feel to messages and email and could allow is to include hyperlinks so employees can be directed to additional notifications, resources or information as needed.
Bernhard Eismann commented
<div style="color: #6f6f6f; font-family: 'PT Sans', Arial, sans-serif;">
<h3 style="color: #384b68;font-weight: normal;">Deine Anfrage zu der unten stehenden Buchung musste leider abgelehnt werden. Nachstehend erhälst du weitere Informationen. Vielen Dank für dein Verständnis.</h3><hr style="border:0; border-top: 1px solid #2c7799;" />
<b>Grund der Ablehnung:</b> <booking:rejectionReason><b>Betreff:</b> <booking:title>
<b>Gebäude:</b> <booking:location>, <b>Stockwerk:</b> <booking:floor>
<b>Raum:</b> <booking:room>
<b>Datum:</b> <booking:startdate> <b>von</b> <booking:starttime> Uhr <b>bis</b> <booking:endtime> Uhr<b>Gebucht von:</b> <booking:bookedby>
<b>Organisator:</b> <booking:host>
<b>Anmerkungen:</b> <booking:notes><b>Teilnehmer:</b> <booking:numberattending>
<booking:host>, <booking:attendees:name><b>Catering:</b>
Bestellung über unser Einkaufstool
<services:foodWithNotes><b>Ausstattung:</b> <services:equipmentWithNotes>
<b>Material/Lieferungen:</b> <services:suppliesWithNotes><b>Terminserie:</b> <booking:recurrence:dates>
</div><!-- Start: Logo --><div style = "position:relative; width:200px; height:111px; float:right;"><img src="https://Dein_logo.jpg" width="200" height="111"/></div><!-- End:Logo -->
Chris Rosado commented
For those without eh outlook add-in, if there was a calendar attachment which a user could open to quickly save to their calendar. That would help as well as the suggestion above.
admin15082 Lucas Menuzzi commented
that would be a big topic for us, too.
The formatting of the mails at the moment is not nice at all.
It would be really good if this proposal were implemented.