Make monthly series booking possible for certain days of the week. For example, every third Friday of the month.
Melina Schulte commented
Hi Condeco-Team, it would also be helpful to be able to select a different monthly rhythm, e.g. every second month. Similar to the weekly appointments.
Melina Schulte commented
Hi Hugo,
Unfortunately, the specific function is also no more available for us. This is also a very good function that I would like to have back. :(
Hugo Coello commented
Hi Melina, thanks for posting this idea! +1
Caine (my colleague) thinks that this was possible before...but it seems that perhaps with the new update there is no longer a way to put a specific second or third day of each month (i.e., 3rd Thursday or 2nd Tuesday). She said that, for now, she's using the “SPECIFIC” field to enter in all dates but would be helpful to have this option again as this can get time consuming when you are entering 20+ series!