Opportunity to have an admin level between country admin and building admin
I have many buildings for different companies and so different admins. But I have no way to set "region" admin.
Country and building are not enough : I need an intermediate level for cities or companies or regions for example.
Thank you.
AdminJames Lott (Admin, Condeco) commented
A 'Region' contains a number of Locations and a 'Location admin' can have admin access to multiple Locations. So we will not be introducing a 'Region admin' as this can already be fulfilled with the Location admin options. However, we are introducing the ability to configure a location admin to be an admin of locations across multiple countries. This will be available at the next Evergreen release which is the 27th July 2024.
Lucian Lukacs commented
We need to have the possibility to add locations from multiple countries to the same location admin.