Find a Colleague Time Bracket
Currently you can find where a colleague is sat on any given day. It would be good to be able to search a time bracket for their next day in the office. Global Admins have access to reporting but users can only use this function. It would require you to search through each day. It would be useful to search over the next week etc.
HI, we've replaced the 'Find a colleague' page with 'Find your team' that displays who from your team is in the office. This list is customisable from the web or mobile application. This will grant the ability to see a colleagues schedule over the next 5 weeks to bring the web application in line with the mobile application.
Frank Calderon commented
Mobile app has the ability to Find A Colleague over a range of dates. The web portal does not. This is a request to create this feature in web portal.
Peter Scobbie commented
I think also, that you should just be able to search with the colleagues name and not a date and see an entire list of all their times when in the office (using a dropdown which includes their working status).
Matthew Heywood commented
This would be a great feature to enable people to meet up with colleagues.