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Room Booking

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  1. Positioning desk icons

    The placement of dots on a floor plan is really tricky. Having something placed on a pixel-by-pixel basis with no snap-to-grid or other overlay makes it really time consuming to add lots of desks and get them nicely aligned. Please can you have some sort of snap-to-grid option so that placing desk icons can be quick and accurate without needing photoshop precision skills using a mouse and zoom of the browser

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  2. confirmation email subject

    Will it be all possible to include <desk number> and <date> in the booking confirmation email from Condeco?

    Given we book desks over multiple days, it is difficult to find the email and desk # for a specific date… I find myself going through all the booking emails to find the actual desk for a date. I am sure many others have the same problem.

    An example would be, instead of the subject of ”Booking confirmation" , just change the subject to “Booking confirmation Desk <desk number> on <date>”

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  3. cancelling a room

    Can you make the cancel room option more visible

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  4. NFC-F cards support

    Could you consider to support "Felica" card (NFC-F)? Most of electronic payment card and office card in Japan are using this standard.

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  5. Booking Grid - Not showing all floors

    Unable to view Puddle Dock - Dover in booking grid, please add all floors in the drop down.

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  6. Search function for admins

    Search function for admin - Ability to search for admin pages, for example Resources, Meta Admin etc. Ability to add frequently used admin sections to favourites.

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  7. Desk Booking send to Outlook calendar

    Can we link desk booking into Outlook calendar, send an ICS file as an attachment when booking is made.

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  8. VerfĂĽgbarkeit im kommenden Jahr anzeigen

    Es wäre schön, wenn ich meine Verfügbarkeiten für Februar 2022 oder später abrufen könnte. Unter "Verfügbarkeit" in meinem Profil sehe ich leider keinerlei Einträge.

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  9. Lageplan aller Kollegen

    Lageplan der Kollegen bei Kollege suchen anzeigen.

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  10. Revise desk without deleting booking

    It would be really good if we could Revise our desk booking should we find another available desk, e.g. you notice a freed up desk next to a colleague, rather than having to delete the existing booking altogether and re-book from scratch.

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  11. bulk upload users

    I think I read that there should be the ability of Bulk upload of users from a csv file or similar. Does this option need to be turned on?

    Is that the same product or a different one?

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  12. Ability to chose default page after login

    I'd love to be able to chose what page to start out on when I log in. Currently it defaults to Today which is confusing as often I'm using the site to book a Personal space for the future. If I could even bookmark the "Home" for Personal Spaces that would be ok so I could go to there first, but since everything goes to "Master.aspx" its a lot of clicks to get where I want to be.

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  13. No double-booking anymore!

    Please dont offer to book meeting rooms via Condeco if it doesnt work properly. Meaning it apparently isnt synchronizing correctly with the booking system - I got double-booked twice only today, let alone of the countless times that had happened to me before. I'd suggest to make meeting room bookings only possible via Outlook as long as this isnt being taken care of.

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  14. No respect for space reservation

    <my idea would be that space reservation is respected, otherwise, this come back exercise makes no sense.

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  15. saisie des salles de réunion

    Dans l'interface avec outlook, si une réunion prévue avec des personnes à distance, on doit modifier le nombre de présents pour trouver les bonnes salles. Cependant, une fois la salle choisie, la nouvelle fenêtre reprend le nombre initial de personnes au lieu de reprendre le nombre de personnes précédemment modifié.

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  16. Retrieving a booking

    retrieve a booking

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  17. Floor plan admin is clunky

    Floor plan administration section is way too clunky. You shouldn't have to click off a floor onto another floor, just to come back to the floor you were editing. You should also be able to see the desk designations across the full floor rather than just in sections.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. NL as default country

    Please include NL in the drop down list of default countries. At the moment, I can't seem to book personal spaces.

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  20. Multiple Visits No desk required

    I would like to be able to book a contractor/external (not requiring a desk or meeting room) for consecutive days without having to input the same data again .

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