Room Booking
1594 results found
First point of contact
I believe that you are a great idea to have one person dedicated to 61 Southwark Street who would be the first point of contact related to day-to-day issues, helping with reports, helping with guidance on getting to know better the Condeco system, etc., rather than raising helpdesk tickets and dealing with a different person each time. Saying that some issues are taking longer to solve makes us chase the Condeco team and sadly every time a different person gets back to us.
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VerfĂĽgbarkeit im kommenden Jahr anzeigen
Es wäre schön, wenn ich meine Verfügbarkeiten für Februar 2022 oder später abrufen könnte. Unter "Verfügbarkeit" in meinem Profil sehe ich leider keinerlei Einträge.
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Lageplan aller Kollegen
Lageplan der Kollegen bei Kollege suchen anzeigen.
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Revise desk without deleting booking
It would be really good if we could Revise our desk booking should we find another available desk, e.g. you notice a freed up desk next to a colleague, rather than having to delete the existing booking altogether and re-book from scratch.
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bulk upload users
I think I read that there should be the ability of Bulk upload of users from a csv file or similar. Does this option need to be turned on?
Is that the same product or a different one?
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Ability to chose default page after login
I'd love to be able to chose what page to start out on when I log in. Currently it defaults to Today which is confusing as often I'm using the site to book a Personal space for the future. If I could even bookmark the "Home" for Personal Spaces that would be ok so I could go to there first, but since everything goes to "Master.aspx" its a lot of clicks to get where I want to be.
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No double-booking anymore!
Please dont offer to book meeting rooms via Condeco if it doesnt work properly. Meaning it apparently isnt synchronizing correctly with the booking system - I got double-booked twice only today, let alone of the countless times that had happened to me before. I'd suggest to make meeting room bookings only possible via Outlook as long as this isnt being taken care of.
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No respect for space reservation
<my idea would be that space reservation is respected, otherwise, this come back exercise makes no sense.
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saisie des salles de réunion
Dans l'interface avec outlook, si une réunion prévue avec des personnes à distance, on doit modifier le nombre de présents pour trouver les bonnes salles. Cependant, une fois la salle choisie, la nouvelle fenêtre reprend le nombre initial de personnes au lieu de reprendre le nombre de personnes précédemment modifié.
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Retrieving a booking
retrieve a booking
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The ability to extend a room booking after the meeting has finished is very important for the front of house team at the moment in Condeco
Extend room bookings after the meeting has finished
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Multiple Visits No desk required
I would like to be able to book a contractor/external (not requiring a desk or meeting room) for consecutive days without having to input the same data again .
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AV Services notes going into its on section when pulling reports
Right now it seems like putting notes on the av services tab shows up in reports under catering notes. This can be a little confusing with our AV team and catering team are pulling reports and the notes are not in places it should be.
My idea/suggestion is for each tab that has notes also have its own spot you can select or unselect to show up when pulling reports.
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Add unassigned & unpositioned resource field to reports
Currency we have 150+ locations and 1500+ groups in both instances, it’s very difficult to identify the “Unassigned desks and Unpositioned Groups” manually. It’s consuming more time.
Could we include the “Unassigned and Unpositioned” fields in the existing reports (Advanced reports).
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list of colleagues
have a list of favorite collagues available per click
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Improve "booking grid" for a better overview of who else is in the office
It would be super useful to be able to see who is in the office on the same day as I am. Currently, I can partly do it under "booking grid" but just for my location I need to manually open and scroll down 8 different groups... not efficient at all :-(
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booking confirmation - file attachment
is it possible to add an attachment to the booking confirmation mail/calendar appointment? thanks!
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Report-Ausdruck der Besucherkärtchen für mehrtägige Besuche nur für den 1. Tag
Bitte um folgende Umsetzung (Stichwort Besucheranmeldung):
wenn Gäste für mehrere Tage angemeldet werden, spuckt das System jeden Tag ein neues Badge aus. Könnte man es vllt so einstellen, dass der Report nur für den 1. Tag ein Badge ausdruckt?1 vote -
Anmerkungen, Fragen und Vorschläge
G2-4, Team 2744+2747: Anmerkungen, Fragen und Vorschläge zum Workplace Management
- Der Bedarf ĂĽber die verfĂĽgbaren AP hinaus sollte erfasst werden. Dokumentation Mehrbedarf!
- Einführung einer Warteliste für Nachrücker – gibt jemand einen gebuchten AP frei, werden die MA auf der Warteliste über den freien AP informiert
- Es muss jemand im Team (z.B. PM oder Teamsprecher) die Berechtigung bekommen AP bei Krankheit aus dem System zu löschen.
- Abbildung der AP mit Festlegung lt. BAD z.B. Zweierbüro, beide feste AP, aber ein*e MA zusätzlich mit Festlegung fester Büropartner, ist dieser feste Büropartner nicht anwesend, muss der AP als gesperrt gekennzeichnet werden => besonders…
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post login problems
i keep getting "your default location is no lo nger available" error on login every few days.
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?