Room Booking
1598 results found
Vendor Notifications
Can you create notifications for Vendor view staff? It would really help improve the service especially for last minute bookings.
1 vote -
Es wäre super, wenn man einen Serientermin buchen könnte, bspw. jeden Mittwoch in den nächsten 4 Wochen am selben Platz. Sollte der Platz an einem der Tage nicht frei sein, dann sollte für diese Tag gleich vor Beginn der Buchung ein Hinweis kommen, sodass man einen anderen Platz für den Tag oder für die ganze Serie wählen kann.
1 vote -
Booking confirmation
Upon making a desk booking, instead of getting a confirmation email, could we get a note in our calendar on the day(s) of the booking i.e. for instance maybe a reminder at 7.30am 'you are booked in desk number XX'
4 votes -
I want to see the whole map, each time, with current and available bookings.
2 votes -
allegherei alla mail di notifica della prenotazione un outlook calendar con il posto prenotato e il link per fare il checkin
1 vote -
Farbcodes Logos
Farbcodes Logos miteinfĂĽgen1 vote -
client want to set meeting duration limit to enable food services
client want to make food services available only when the room is booked for full day or 9hrs and more
1 vote -
Ideas to improve Condeco
1. If a person is booked for a few days, and one of the booked desks is not needed (e.g., there is a cancellation for one of the booked days) – it is not possible to cancel one particular day, you need to cancel the whole booking and then rebook it again
2. Make an option to see the previous days on the desk/room booking grid.
3. Make an option to book a desk for somebody else directly from the desk floor plan (at the moment there is only an availability to book a desk for yourself)
4. Please…1 vote -
historic calendar
historic calendar of personal bookings
2 votes -
Booking Grid
In weekly view I can see the Room Number in the Booking Grid, but not in the monthly view. Please include this.
3 votes -
Remote Working Counter
I would like to be able to see a counter for days worked remotely since X date, to contrast versus the desk booking days.
2 votes -
Desk Booking
For visiting offices reservations, can we change the wording from "Desk Booking" to "Visiting Office"?
For date and time, can we select specific time frame versus "AM" and/or "PM"?
We have an option of "Open Desks" and "Partner Offices" . Can we change the wording format to "Visiting Offices" for attorneys, managers, etc. and "Workstations" for secretaries and other staff
2 votes -
Quick access to floor plan
Is there the ability to look at the floor plan for today (any day) and see who is sitting where and few all open desks? A quick access to the floor plan would be great.
3 votes -
Personne de contact
Pourrait-on nous indiquer une personne de contact par campus pour toute question concernant les réservations de salles SVP ?
Ce serait très appréciable.
Merci2 votes -
Show all dates for repeat bookings in auto confirmation email
Can the auto booking confirmation show both the to and from booking dates for repeat bookings currently the auto email on shows the start date and no end date.
Users think that the repeat booking hasn't worked as the email on shows the initial date or the series of bookings.2 votes -
Prefer Desk setting
Have a setting of prefer desk, so don't always have to choose desk each time making a booking
2 votes -
Change hosting options
It would be very good if in this application could also change the hosting options and quantities. Kind regards, Apetito AG, Gaby TermĂĽhlen
1 vote -
Suggest another tick box option
When the option to state 'working from home' or 'Not at work today' add another tick box for 'Yes at work today'
ie When RDO swapped on different days etc1 vote -
Default First Page
Please, please, give us the option to turn off the today page, and even better would be an option to let us choose what page is gone to by default.
Thanks!20 votes -
Red Time Line - Meeting Progression Line - Option to turn off auto close of booking
Would you be able to allow an option to turn off the auto close functionality of the red time line. We would love to see this as sometimes when meeting over run, the occupants of the room do not always inform our reception team that a meeting is over running. The room is then automatically placed back into the meeting room pool when automatically closed and subsequently can be booked by others. We have had a time when the previous meeting had gone over by an hour and the next occupants were waiting outside.
A simple checkbox in the admin…1 vote
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