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Room Booking

1598 results found

  1. closing today page very difficult on mobile.

    today page is not mobile friendly. it is blocking everything on screen. it'd be better to optional disabled or make [x] close button easier to close the page.
    try your self you'll know how bad it is.

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  2. see available desks while checked into a desk

    Want to be able to see which other desks are available even though I have one booked. This is required when the desk I have booked isn't working out (eg right next to something noisy). The only option is to cancel and rebook but that isn't helpful if I can't first see if there is a better option

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  3. Ubicación predeterminada incorrecta

    La ubicación del puesto de trabajo en la aplicación de reserva de puesto no corresponde con mi centro de trabajo. Necesito saber los pasos a seguir para corregir dicho error y actualizar correctamente mi perfil

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  4. Map

    I want to see the whole map, each time, with current and available bookings.

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  5. historic calendar

    historic calendar of personal bookings

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  6. Remote Working Counter

    I would like to be able to see a counter for days worked remotely since X date, to contrast versus the desk booking days.

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  7. Desk Booking

    For visiting offices reservations, can we change the wording from "Desk Booking" to "Visiting Office"?

    For date and time, can we select specific time frame versus "AM" and/or "PM"?

    We have an option of "Open Desks" and "Partner Offices" . Can we change the wording format to "Visiting Offices" for attorneys, managers, etc. and "Workstations" for secretaries and other staff

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  8. Personne de contact

    Pourrait-on nous indiquer une personne de contact par campus pour toute question concernant les réservations de salles SVP ?

    Ce serait très appréciable.

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  9. Show all dates for repeat bookings in auto confirmation email

    Can the auto booking confirmation show both the to and from booking dates for repeat bookings currently the auto email on shows the start date and no end date.
    Users think that the repeat booking hasn't worked as the email on shows the initial date or the series of bookings.

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  10. Prefer Desk setting

    Have a setting of prefer desk, so don't always have to choose desk each time making a booking

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  11. Blind Managed Linked Room Capacity

    As an event organizer, when entering an event in a blind managed group, I would like the ability to select the maximum capacity of the event center, which may include linking all appropriate rooms within the event center, so that we can fully utilize the space

    For Example
    There are 4 Room resources that are linked. They each have a capacity of 16 and each of removable walls such that valid combinations of rooms include:
    • M1+M2
    • M1+M3
    • M2+M4
    • M3+M4
    • M1+M2+M4
    • M1+M2+M3
    • M2+M3+M4
    • M1+M2+M3+M4

    Thus when an event organizer is selecting the capacity…

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  12. Add link to Condeco support page

    Maybe add a quick link to access to contact support page inside the system?

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  13. At a glance colleague locate (map)

    Let me nominate a group of colleagues. Highlight their seats a different colour (e.g. orange) on the map when they're booked or checked in.

    This would let me glance at the map, look for the orange dots and book a seat near them.

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  14. Improvements on booking and stay booked

    For very regular booking it would be nice to book more dates in advance.
    It would also be great to receive a message if one could book for additional weeks
    Only receiving a message 10 minutes before your booking gets cleared because of non-confirmation is too short (certainly if one is within a meeting) should at least be 2 hours before.

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  15. Meeting room layout

    Can you please include the picture of the meeting room layout as shown in the old system?

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  16. Add team assignment features to desks

    Hi Condeco team,
    Can I suggest that you add the 'team assignment' feature to desks - so you can lock off desks on alternate weeks in the same way you lock out team members from booking.
    Cheers, and thanks!

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  17. Bug on Rooms & Screens after activate.

    After activation the Country filter stops working an it has to be re-selected to All then the Country.

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  18. Seat numbers to show on floor plans

    Can the seat numbers be labeled/visible on all floor plans?

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  19. Data compliance regarding retention of Visitors data

    Data compliance Visitors data:
    Admins should be able to set a 'keep for xx days' like with the visitor photos. This way data compliance could be set to delete all details that are older than a year for example.

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  20. code to manually clear 'dirty' message on pucks

    I was informed that at the moment there is no code that can be manually entered on a desk screen (puck) that will change the screen from showing 'dirty' to standard ready screen. This would be a great feature to have as it would mean that cleaners could re-set the pucks as they clean rather than using the Vendor dashboard. At the moment, very few desks are being used so manually changing the pucks is quicker.

    Karen Acford

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