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Admin functionality

277 results found

  1. Notification for Meeting Room requests to Group Admins

    When a Meeting Room must be requested a notification should be able to be setup to notify the Group Admins for that resource. As it currently stands, there is no way to ONLY notify admins for a specific group. If a user requests a meeting room in Group A, only the Administrators for Group A should be notified. Otherwise, if you have multiple groups, Admin will potentially get flooded with requests that they cannot approve.

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  2. Allow option to offer non booked desk from a certain time-slot to be booked by other groups

    When desks/ressources are not booked until a certain time (e.g. 24hrs before - time to be set by admin), this desk/ressource should be offered to other groups, which may not have any availabilities anymore. This will guarantee the best possible utilization. This would also be a great usage for parking spaces.

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  3. Desk Bump Report

    Desk Bump reports. In the "Is Bumped" column the symbols are either 1 or 2. Can that be changed to something more recognizable as Bumped and "Checked in" ?

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  4. Same for personal spaces. Ability to prohibit/ exclude weekend days booking for personal spaces. Currently when the advance booking period f

    Ability to prohibit/ exclude weekend days booking for personal spaces. Currently when the advance booking period for a group is specified in days the system allows weekends to be booked and counts the weekend days in the advance period. There is no way to restrict this. Weekend days are not bookable or counted when the advance period for the group is specified in weeks.

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  5. Daily Reboot Task

    Allow the setting, to configure an automated restart for the panels weekly or daily

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  6. Automated Data Deletion after configurable timespan (to adhere to data retention policies)

    Condeco should have the capability to automatically delete booking data after "N" months. With GDPR and CRPA (coming in 2023) organizations need a way to ensure periodic purges of old user data. Today, that requires that an admin set a calendar tickler to remind them to open a ticket to request Condeco to do such a purge. The system should be empowered to automatically remove the users' data data after "N" months +1 day. If this would be too cumbersome, an alternative would be a monthly bulk deletion (schedulable in a window configured by your customer) of that data when…

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  7. Improve menu navigation for admins

    Please improve navigation through admin tasks.
    tl;dr: get rid of annoying drop down menus.

    Quick fix would be a return button or "go back to list" button on most pages. Instead of having to go two steps back and select everything again form the drop downs.

    Example editing floor plans for areas. For changing to different area I have to select completely different floor, than go back to the floor I was editing and then go to "Add/Edit" mode of the next area. In this case best would be to be able to change to other areas (on the same…

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  8. Pop Message feature for Desk Booking

    Similar with room booking, admins can setup a 'Room Message' on every room resource. This feature used like a reminder. User will get pop-up message prior booking to a specific desk

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  9. Allow a default country in the admin portal

    Currently, when you have multiple countries in your tenant, you need to select the country and location before being able to see the settings in the admin centre. Please allow a default location so it auto-populates the location. This would save significant time in finding where a specific setting is located.

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  10. Multi select rooms in the dashboard

    I would like to select multiple rooms to display statistics and usage.

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  11. Enable 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) for Condeco Vendor Portal and Condeco Connect Portal for Room Panels

    The Condeco Vendor Portal and Condeco’s Connect portals do not have 2FA. Organizations are looking for 2FA as a secure way of authenticating their users using these portals.

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  12. Ability to link ressource to more than one group

    E.g. our Restaurant is available for booking for both our inhouse and external events.

    But not all rooms that are available for internal events are available for external events.

    Therefore I have to create the group "Restaurant" side by side of the existing "Inhouse Events" & "External Events" groups.

    If I could add the room to both groups, we would have less groups and the administration would be a lot easier.

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  13. get rid of drop down menue for number of attendees - it causes so much trouble and interferes with the functionality

    The drop down menu for Number of attendees when booking through the Outlook add in is not user friendly, we want a free type field. I want to be able to book a room with 20 attendees in my attendee field but only 10 of them need a room and at the moment i can't reduce number of attendees without my attendees disappearing - A free type field instead of drop down for number of attendees would fix the issue(and is available for admins)

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  14. Group admins should only be able to view group admins

    In user management, a group admin can view all admins up to Global level. Group admins should only be able to view other group admins to prevent bypassing agreed processes for contacting the relevant support teams. Global admins should be able to view all admins, all other admin levels should only be able to view their own admin level down to group admin.

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  15. Delete the list of Authorization code in wayfinder

    Delete the list of Authorization code in wayfinder. There are a big list with a lot of codes and we have to go to the end in order to look for the correct code.
    If it would be better if there were not a code.

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  16. Give admins the possibility to delete bookings ON ROOM SCREENS

    Global, Country, Location admins should have the possibility - within their rights - to delete otherones bookings ON ROOM SCREENS.
    This action should also be recorded to the system booking ID.

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  17. Räume an ganzen Tagen unbuchbar machen

    Machen Sie es möglich dass man an einzelnen ganzn Tagen die Räumichkeiten alle oder gesamt unbuchbar machen kann. Z.B. Wenn Sonderreinigungen oder Umbauarbeiten stattfinden.

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  18. Location/resource creation logs with name details

    Logs creation / History : Should be able to identified Admin user when creating Country, Region, Location, Resource, Group etc.

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  19. 2 votes

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  20. Request for Enhanced Filtering Options in Condeco

    Hello, I am writing to suggest an enhancement to the filtering options within Condeco. Specifically, it would be highly beneficial to have a filter that allows users to distinguish between active and non-active items, not only for Catering Services but for all items within the platform.
    Currently, the lack of such a filter makes it challenging to efficiently manage and navigate through the various items. Implementing this feature would streamline our workflow, improve user experience, and enhance overall productivity.
    Could you please consider adding this functionality to Condeco? Your prompt attention to this request would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you…

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